c0r3dump CTF writeups

CTF writeups by c0r3dump.

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SpamAndFlags 2020 - Git the Flag


We have found a router with an exposed admin login screen. Do you think you can obtain anything interesting?

97 points


Right below the login form, the page informs us that the router is serving its “login code” as a git repository. While the given git-clone command points to a private IPv4 address, attempting to clone the repository over the public address of the admin page with the given credentials (git:open source is great) works, and provides us with not just the code but the login credentials as well (in config.ini).

The password was hashed, but it was unsalted MD5 so it was not particularly hard to figure out the credentials were admin:admin.

Reading the source code and configuration reveals that only loopback ( and private ( addresses are allowed to access the web interface.

We have found no way around the filter, but there is a way to make our requests originate from the loopback address.

SSH allows one to set up a tunnel and forward local/remote ports to the other endpoint of the connection:

ssh git@ -p 22222 -L -N

In the above command, -N is used to avoid running anything on the remote server, and -L is used to make the remote port available on our own loopback interface as port 8080.

Visiting and logging in with the already known credentials yields us the following message:

I was lazy to make a fake setup screen, so here's your flag: SaF{lmgtfy:"how to serve git over ssh"}

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